Photo of Andres BustosFlitt Argentina

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Born in SnaLuis City, Argentina, in 1978, made from a very small number of workshops in the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, moved to the City of its origins in St. Louis where he continued his artistic training by going to workshops important teachers in that city.

In 1999 she moved to the city of Cordoba where he began his preparation college, graduating with a degree in Painting from the National University of...

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Photo of Andres BustosFlitt Argentina

Born in SnaLuis City, Argentina, in 1978, made from a very small number of workshops in the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, moved to the City of its origins in St. Louis where he continued his artistic training by going to workshops important teachers in that city.

In 1999 she moved to the city of Cordoba where he began his preparation college, graduating with a degree in Painting from the National University of Cordoba in 2003.

During his study to the day of the date has participated in several shows, both collective and individual, in the city of San Luis, Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Santa Fe etc taking part in important shows such as Salon Banco de la Nacion Argentina, Rosario, Santa Palais de glece faith, Buenos Aires, as well as the OSDE Salon in the city of Cordoba, com a group show at the Museum Caraffa, among others.

Backroom Expo, Buenos Aires, has obtained the second prize in the Biennale of Young Art Primeri St. Louis as well as on two occasions, the BAS XXI scholarship granted by the government of the province of San Luis.

Today also devoted to the mural, which has made various presentations. White Bridge Cultural Center. City of the tip, and the town of La Carolina.

Contact information:


Phone: 02652-450061 San Lius.Argentina.

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